Leadership Partners

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Our Leadership

First Church leadership is a partnership between appointed clergy, paid staff, and church members engaged in volunteer ministries.  Together these leaders plan, guide, and carry out the work of the congregation.


2021-24 Strategic Plan

On August 29, 2021, the First Church membership approved a new strategic plan to guide our ministries over the next few years.  The Church Council leads strategic planning and assessment for the congregation.

Current First Church Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan Survey Outcomes (April 2022)


2023-24 Leadership Team

Many church members serve as leaders of and representatives to ministry committees and programs.

Current leadership roster


Rev. Grace Imathiu, Senior Pastor  grace@faithatfirst.com

Rev. Britt Cox, Executive Pastor   britt@faithatfirst.com 

Program Staff

Omando Bastian, Worship Intern  omando@faithatfirst.com

Sydney Harkrider, Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries  sydney@faithatfirst.com

Colin McDonald, Director of Children’s Ministry  colin@faithatfirst.com

Dr. Brian Schoettler, Minister of Music & Organist   brian@faithatfirst.com

Mary Taylor-Johnson, Director of Communications & Membership Engagement  mary@faithatfirst.com

Cody Bradley, Music Assistant

Krys Juleen, Program Assistant for Children’s & Youth Ministry krys@faithatfirst.com

Kelsey Morton, Connect 456 Coordinator  kelsey@faithatfirst.com

Claire Amey, Nursery Coordinator  nursery@faithatfirst.com

Erin Phillips, Nursery Assistant

Administrative and Building Staff

Ariel Alonso, Assistant to the Senior Pastor  ariel@faithatfirst.com

Liesl Hoeldtke, Office Assistant and Volunteer Coordinator  liesl@faithatfirst.com

Krys Juleen, Building Rentals Coordinator  krys@faithatfirst.com

Jerry Love, Director of Audio/Visual Technology  jerry@faithatfirst.com

Athina Sato, Accountant  athina@faithatfirst.com

Mike Schmidt, Custodian  custodian@faithatfirst.com



Feel free to contact staff at the email address listed or call the church office at 847-864-6181 and leave a message.

Opportunities to Connect

Check out the many opportunities to serve and to participate in fellowship or interest groups.

Sanctuary filled with people on Easter Sunday

Worship this Sunday

Summer at First Church

Three people smiling at the camera

Find Your Place

Interested in volunteering? Looking to build meaningful relationships? Want to see what’s on the calendar that sparks your interest?