Our Faith Journey

Home / Grow in Faith / Adults


Growing in Faith

Our faith journey is a lifelong experience, with many twists and turns. As we grow and change, so does our understanding of God, Jesus, the Bible and other beliefs. At First Church, we encourage this exploration through groups, classes, and programs that allow us to think critically, deepen our understanding of God and reflect with others.

2024 Adult Education and Faith Formation Opportunities

Small groups gather to build an ongoing community where participants can reflect, learn, pray and ask questions in a supportive environment.  Many groups meet regularly throughout the year.

A variety of classes for adults are offered each week and typically include topics such as Bible study, the church’s role in the larger culture, Methodism, and spiritual practices for individuals and families.

Bible study provides opportunities to learn, reflect on, and discuss scripture. These studies use a Methodist lens, considering the cultural setting of scripture passages and encouraging questions about the text.

Learning is one component to the faith journey. Regular participation in worship and prayer is another key element.

A third component to growing in faith is rolling up our sleeves and serving in the church and in the community. First Church encourages all in our worshipping community to discern how their talents and passions fit a specific need –inside the church, in the larger community, or farther out in the world.

Make Connections

Faith is nurtured by community and hands-on service. We offer many social and volunteer options.

Sanctuary filled with people on Easter Sunday

Worship this Sunday

Summer at First Church

Three people smiling at the camera

Find Your Place

Interested in volunteering? Looking to build meaningful relationships? Want to see what’s on the calendar that sparks your interest?