Home / Grow in Faith / Adults


Growing in Faith

Our faith journey is a lifelong experience, with many twists and turns. As we grow and change, so does our understanding of God, Jesus, the Bible and other beliefs. At First Church, we encourage this exploration through groups, classes, and programs that allow us to think critically, deepen our understanding of God and reflect with others.

Sunday Morning Classes and Groups

Adult classes typically meet during the 9:15-10:15am education hour on Sundays, concurrently with classes for children and youth.  Many classes this fall are offered in person; some are online.

Covenant Groups: St. Francis Peace Prayer - Sundays at 9:15am OR ONLINE Wednesdays 7:00-8:00pm

Long before there was a Campaign for Kindness, there was a prayer known as the St. Francis peace prayer (Lord, make me an instrument of your peace…).  This well-known prayer has been in widespread ecumenical use since early in the twentieth century.  Participants of this five-session covenant group will practice applying the prayer in their daily lives and will engage in reflection and mutual support. Come join us as we work to become more effective instruments of peace in a world which deeply needs them.

These covenant groups are offered at different times and in different formats:

Online:  Wednesdays, Oct. 2-30, 7:00-8:00pm.  Led by Kim Coffing.  

In person:  Sundays, Sept. 29-Nov. 3 (no meeting Oct. 20), 9:15-10:15am.  Led by Jim Johnson. 

Interested?  Have questions about this opportunity? Please contact Tom Scott at tom.scott.goblue@msn.com.

Methodism 101 - Sundays at 9:15am

Methodism 101

Sundays at 9:15am in Room 33 (third floor, accessible via elevator)

For Advent, Methodism 101 will be doing a 4-Sunday study…Using Paul Chilcote’s book (not required for the class but helpful anyway) “Come Thou Long Expected Jesus…Advent and Christmas with Charles Wesley.” Class meets in Room 33.

The format for each Sunday is simple: read, sing, reflect, and pray. We will light an Advent candle to start…use suggested readings from his book … play the music for the hymns suggested by this book and encourage the class to sing … likely we will use some of the Advent Reflections generated by this congregation as well as suggestions in the text for reflection and finally invite prayer leadership from the group Questions…contact Jim Hagedorn…jehdvm@gmail.com. 847-644-7986.

Social Justice - Sundays at 9:15am

Social Justice

Sundays at 9:15am in Room 34. 

The social justice track of the adult Christian Education lineup is grounded in the Wesleyan commitment that “There is no holiness but social holiness.”  This fall we will focus on the new 2025 Social Principles of the United Methodist Church, ways to counter Christian nationalism, and our commitment to environmental justice.

This social justice class meets Sundays at 9:15am in Room 34 (third floor, accessible by elevator).  

Facilitator:   Joe Agne, RevAgne@gmail.com

The Christian Experiment- Sundays at 9:15 am

The Christian Experiment

Sundays at 9:15am in Glenna Hall

The Christian Experiment is a weekly gathering that creates community and explores faith-based questions.

Ever had doubts? If you are like most, you have. Ever had doubts about Christian faith? Many of us have. In a recent study at a leading United Methodist Church, 95 percent of believers stated they struggle with doubt occasionally and 24 percent stated they struggle with doubt regularly. This same study also found that 44 percent believed their doubts helped them find or strengthen their faith.

Beginning on January 5, The Christian Experiment will discuss doubts. These doubts could be yours or someone you know. We will use some of Adam Hamilton’s work on doubt to help our discussions. You can find information about Adam Hamilton’s book Wrestling with Doubt here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FsZPC_bsFcg

Weekly Meeting Schedule

January 12 – The Good Book? Wrestling with the Bible

January 19 – Are All Non-Christians Going to Hell?

January 26 – Is Heaven Real?

February 2 – When Prayers Go Unanswered

February 9 – Why Do the Innocent Suffer?

The Christian Experiment meets every Sunday morning at 9:15 am in Glenna Hall. There is no required reading, homework, or other expectations. Feel free to come to one meeting or all over the next six weeks. We are an open and welcoming group seeking to engage one another in Christian fellowship!

Facilitators:   Matt Rader (mrader@emich.edu) and Kristi Hubbard (hubbard.kristi@gmail.com).

Abide - Sundays at 9:15am


Sundays at 9:15am in Room K.

Abide provides ongoing space for spiritual connection to God, mutual support in community, and faith formation in the ways that lead to life. This gathering is open to all who seek to abide with Jesus through the Spirit in the company of friends.

Abide meets Sunday mornings at 9:15am in person.  New participants are always welcome.  

Facilitator:  Mari Leonard, mari.leonard@comcast.net

Faith & Parenting - Sundays at 9:15am

Faith & Parenting

Sundays at 9:15am in Room 24.  Begins Sept. 15.

Faith & Parenting offers a space for parents of children at various stages to share and reflect on how their personal and familial faith journeys are nurtured and challenged through the vocation of parenting.  Brief guided reflections based on scriptures from children’s Sunday School will accompany each session.

For more info, contact Colin McDonald, Director of Children’s Ministry, at colin@faithatfirst.com .

Intro to the Labyrinth - Selected Sundays before or after worship

Have you ever wondered what the labyrinth in our memorial garden is for? Or have you walked a labyrinth before and would like to walk ours? Then join the Faith Formation Council in the Memorial Garden on any of these dates: 

  • Sundays at 9:15am on Oct. 6, 13, 20
  • Sundays at 11:45am on Oct. 27, Nov. 10, Nov. 17, Nov. 24.

A Council member will give a brief overview of the labyrinth for those who are interested, and the labyrinth will be open to all to walk.

Questions? Contact Tom Scott at tom.scott.goblue@msn.com.

Sunday Afternoon/Evening Opportunities

Covenant Hike Group - First Sunday each month at 2:00pm

“I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in.” – George Washington Carver

The Covenant Hike Group invites all who have a wonder of the natural world to share nature immersion with each other through 3 seasons while experiencing the presence of God. The format is simple. We begin with a brief reading (scripture or poem), hike along while sharing joys and concerns, and appreciate 5 minutes of silence at mid-point. Each hike concludes with an optional, brief time of sharing about our experiences on the hike, closing prayer, and a cool or hot drink! All ages are welcomed!

Each month we will meet at a designated location at 2 p.m., hiking various paths in our area for about an hour at a comfortable pace for everyone. The group will meet each first Sunday from October through May, and participants may join in as schedules allow.

All who participate are welcomed to share in ownership. The wonder of the natural world and God’s presence in it is limitless.

Facilitator: Jim Johnson.  Contact Jim at jjohnso@luc.edu with any questions and to be placed on the distribution list.

Faith Around the Table

Are you hungry for meaningful conversation and deeper connection with your First Church community? Do you like to eat food?  Then this group is for you!

Based on the success of the inaugural Faith Around The Table group launched last November, we are offering three new groups beginning in October. Once a month, each group will gather for a potluck meal and discuss a topic relating to faith and their personal journeys. Group members commit to meeting for six months. The individuals below will lead each group and host meetings in their homes with potential for other group members to host subsequent meetings (though not required). Due to nature of the group, we limit to 8 total participants per group. Come join others for good food and meaningful conversation!

Carol Barnett and Pastor Grace – 1st Friday of the month beginning Oct 4 at 6:30pm
Tina and Paul Kalil – 2nd Sunday of the month beginning Oct 12 at 12:30pm
Grant Bailey – 3rd Friday of the month beginning Oct 18 at 6:30pm

Please email Andrew (andrew.r.schumacher@gmail.com) with questions and to sign up.

An Unlikely Advent- Sundays 6pm, ONLINE

In this four-week Advent study, we consider if some of the figures on the edges of the Christmas story might have more to teach us about the intersection of God’s story with ours? With the themes of hope, love, joy, and peace we will examine the stories of Elizabeth and Zechariah, Herod, the Magi, and the shepherds. Each set of unexpected characters has something to teach about living faithfully on the journey to Christmas.

Each week we will have a short reading assignment (available in print and electronically here) – and some lively and thoughtful discussion.

Please contact the facilitator, Linda Brennan, to register and receive the Zoom link: brennaneaster@gmail.com.

Weekday Groups

Several groups gather regularly during the year for Bible study, discussion and reflection on faith-related issues in a supportive environment.  Note that some of these groups meet online.

Wednesday Bible Study - Wednesdays 10-11:30am ONLINE

The Wednesday Bible Study is a longstanding group that meets online every Wednesday 10-11:30am with the exception of a short break in the summer.   

Please contact Janet Lutz at janetatl@aol.com with any questions.

Progressive Christianity Reading Group - Thursdays 1:00-2:00pm ONLINE

First Church’s Progressive Christians Reading Group invites new and former participants to participate as the group gathers each Thursday 1:00-2:00pm online to discuss and reflect on selected books, typically one book per month.

Interested? Email Christie at cecook.phd@gmail.com for the current/upcoming reading and the Zoom link.

God's Story, Our Stories - Thursdays 7:00-8:30pm ONLINE

The Lectionary Bible Study Group meets online each Thursday evening. We are a band of curious explorers, reflecting upon the lectionary passages for the coming Sunday. We ask many questions. We have “ah ha” moments in our discussions. We attempt to unearth how these ancient stories inform our current day stories. We deeply seek to live out our best understanding of the heart of these stories week by week in the midst of our common humanity. Several group members rotate the facilitation.

Come and join us! You may be placed on the group distribution list by contacting Bill Brown at bbrown@wwbrown-inc.com.

 Get Involved This Fall

Interested in making connections (or reconnecting) but not sure where to start?  Contact us using the button below and provide your email or phone number; we’ll reach out to hear about your interests and identify opportunities that might be a good fit.  We look forward to chatting with you!

Sanctuary filled with people on Easter Sunday

Advent and Christmas

Adult Education and Faith Formation

Three people smiling at the camera

Find Your Place

Interested in volunteering? Looking to build meaningful relationships? Want to see what’s on the calendar that sparks your interest?