Plan A Visit

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Plan A Visit

Here are some helpful details for your first visit.

Worship services begin at 10:30 a.m. and last one hour. Come as you are–there’s no dress code. Check out our current safety protocols.

As you enter the sanctuary an usher will offer a paper bulletin with the order of worship to follow, or you may opt to scan the posted QR code for a digital (and contactless) bulletin. Sit wherever you like on the main floor or in the balcony, but socially distanced. We generally stand for some parts of worship and sit for most of it; a worship leader will cue you when to stand and sit.

You’ll find hymnals in the pew racks; we use the red United Methodist hymnals usually and sometimes the smaller The Faith We Sing hymnals. Offering plates are passed mid-worship, and you are invited to place an offering in the plate (or give online).

Communion is celebrated in 10:30 a.m. worship monthly and is open to anyone, including young children. Persons are invited forward to take the piece of bread and juice offered to them and then return to their seats. (In our tradition we dip a piece of bread into the cup or drink the juice from a tiny individual cup.)

Our Welcome Spot is open after worship and located just outside the sanctuary. Exit through the southwestern door and you’ll find a friendly volunteer to meet and to answer any questions.

view of choir from balcony
View of full sanctuary
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Te Deum schoettler
Grace with children
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Te Deum schoettler
Grace with children
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Following worship we gather for coffee, snacks, and informal conversation in Great Hall. This “fellowship time” attracts all ages and visitors are most welcome.

Getting Here

First Church is located at 516 Church St. in downtown Evanston.
Parking is available in the self-park garage across the street and at metered street parking spots. The CTA Davis Street stop and the Evanston Davis Street Metra Station are within a few blocks of the church.


The building is wheelchair-accessible at the 516 Church entrance, with a ramp and a cut-out lane for dropping off and picking up. The first-floor restrooms and elevator are ADA-compliant. In addition, large print bulletins, hearing assistance devices, and a hearing loop assistive listening system are available during worship. Ask at the office for assistance.

All-Gender Restrooms

All-gender restrooms are available in two locations: a single-user restroom down a few steps from the Great Hall and a multi-stall restroom on the third floor.

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Sanctuary filled with people on Easter Sunday






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