Faith in Community


Learning in our youth community focuses on understanding who we are as children of God, how we claim that identity, and how we live as disciples of Jesus in service to the world.

All 7th-12th graders must be registered to participate in youth programs.

Confirmation Class (7th-8th grade)

Confirmation is the culmination of a two-year process that focuses on building relationships with God, each other, adult leaders, and the larger faith community. Class meets on Sunday mornings to discuss theology, spiritual practices and living our faith in the world – and there’s always an ample supply of donuts! It’s a time for youth to think critically and ask hard questions while growing in love and relationship with God and neighbor. A key focus is to help youth develop a sense of belonging in the congregation. At the conclusion of the process, 8th graders are invited to take confirmation vows during Sunday worship.

MYF (aka Methodist Youth Fellowship)

Meets before Sunday Worship at 9:15. Come and spend time connecting, learning, and growing in community together!

All youth are invited to MYF every 1st and 3rd Sunday right after worship. We will have lunch, play games, and have time to gather to talk about where we are at in life.

MYF will be our main time to gather as youth to get to know one another. All youth are encouraged to come hang out and be part of this community!

 Reach out to Sydney Harkrider, Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministries, for more info at

Read the monthly Youth Newsletter!

people standing in front of building they're constructing
Discerning Faith
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Discerning Faith
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Sanctuary filled with people on Easter Sunday
Three people smiling at the camera

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