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First Church Hosts Evanston Garden Walk

Memorial Garden

We are delighted that First Church was selected as a site for the 2022 Evanston Garden Walk. This annual event showcases "an amazing collection of some of Evanston's most unique and […]

Did You Miss the Labyrinth Last Sunday?

Memorial Garden

If you missed the opportunity to learn about the labyrinth last Sunday, you haven’t missed out. A small group attended last Sunday’s session and found it to be quite moving. If you want to learn about the labyrinth, there are flyers in the literature rack in the church foyer. The front of the flyer gives […]

Celebrate World Labyrinth Day

Memorial Garden

Sunday, May 8, 9:15-10:15 a.m. in the Memorial Garden To celebrate World Labyrinth Day (May 7), the Adult Christian Education Council invite you this Sunday, May 8, to learn about […]

Egg Hunt & Labyrinth Walk

Memorial Garden

Egg Hunt & Labyrinth Walk, following 10:30 a.m. worship in the Memorial Garden Children and families are invited to journey the labyrinth while small groups go searching for eggs! All are welcome to stay for First Church's outdoor Easter service at 12:15 p.m.