Home / Events / Presence & Power: Jesus and Women in the New Testament and Beyond- Adult Ed Class

Presence & Power: Jesus and Women in the New Testament and Beyond- Adult Ed Class

by | Feb 8, 2022

The virtual Adult Education Council offering for March, 2022 will be “Presence & Power: Jesus and Women in the New Testament and Beyond,”

Sundays at 4:00 p.m. on March 6, 13, 20, and 27, led by Dennis Damon Moore

This four-week class will be based in a collection of materials for close study that First Church will provide free of charge, including a complete listing of Jesus’ many encounters with women in the Gospels; several related fictional treatments; and the remarkable 15th century record of Joan of Arc’s early life, her famous military campaigns, and her subsequent capture, imprisonment, and trial. Class sessions will emphasize interactive discussion of the material, with some historical and literary perspectives from the course leader along the way.

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