Inquirers Class Materials
Inquirers Class Schedule and Membership Process (Winter 2025, updated 1/30/25)
Where is God Calling You? survey
SAMPLE New Member Liturgy script (membership vows)
Dates to Remember
Feb. 5, March 5, April 2, May 7: First Wednesday Potlucks, 6-7pm in the dining room. Main dish provided. RSVP’s needed for building access code.
Thursday, Feb. 13: Inquirers cook and serve for the soup kitchen. See signup for shift times and note your availability.
Saturday, March 1, 10-1:00pm: Inquirers pack diapers for Bundled Blessings and make sack lunches for the Good News Shelter. Lunch will be ready for us at noon. Sign up by February 20.
Sunday, March 16: New Member Sunday during 10:30am worship. Meet in room TBD at 9:45am for a walk-through, and plan to stay after worship for community hour in honor of our new members.
Thursday, March 20: Inquirers cook and serve for the soup kitchen. Sign up.
Resources on Methodism
Methodism (General)
Our Affliliations
- Lake North District
- Northern Illinois Conference (Sign up for bi-monthly newsletter here.)
- Reconciling Ministries Network
Key Documents
- The Book of Discipline (complete online version)
- Overview of Our Social Principles
- United Methodist Social Principles (as adopted by General Conference Charlotte, 2024)
Theology, Sacraments, and Worship
- Wesleyan Understanding of Grace by Bishop Kenneth Carder
- Mark Stamm, The Meaning of Baptism in the UMC
- Ron Anderson (Garrett professor and First Church member), The Meaning of Holy Communion in the UMC
- From Catholics and United Methodists Together: We Believe, We Pray, We Act (2020)
- Theory, Practice, and Components of United Methodist Worship
- Our United Methodist Vows
- Mark Stamm, Membership Vows in the UMC
- Five Reasons to Stay in the UMC by Paul Chilcote
Racism in Methodism
- I’m Black. I’m Christian. I’m Methodist.
- Our Hearts Were Strangely Lukewarm: The American Methodist Church and the Struggle with White Supremacy
Realm Membership Platform (details to come)
Initial logon process
Quick Realm How To (Online directory, your financial giving, your groups)
Get Involved This Season
Sign up for a Lenten Book Study Group. End each Tuesday evening with an online Compline Night Prayer Service from the comfort of your favorite seat at home. Participate in the Palm Sunday Processional in the neighborhood. Attend Holy Week Worship Services including, perhaps, your first Easter Vigil experience. Sing Hallejulah on Easter Sunday and enjoy the kids’ egg search on the lawn. Engage in hands-on service cooking for the soup kitchen or packing diapers for Bundled Blessings. Learn more about your faith by taking an adult class. Welcome worshippers on Sunday morning as a Greeter or Usher. Visitors and members alike are invited to find a place to connect – and there are plenty of options.