Children’s Ministry at First Church strives to embolden children’s spiritual development and self-knowledge as beloved children of God and active participants in God’s story by encouraging questions, ideas, education and experience as a means of engaging faith and nurturing bonds of discipleship.
Register a child (infant through 6th grade) for 2024-25 programming or the nursery
Messy Church
Messy Church is a different kind of Sunday School for children and adults — an opportunity for children, families, and adults to engage in hands-on creative activities, celebratory worship, and time together in community. Messy Church is offered on the first Sunday of each month 9-10:15am. Please register for all sessions you plan to attend to aid our planning.
Sunday School
Sunday School takes place before Worship from 9:15-10:15 a.m. from mid-September through May, with an emphasis on learning and responding to stories in the Bible through reading, conversation, and play. Sunday School classes are offered for children ages Pre-K & Kindergarten, 1st-3rd grade, and 4th-6th grade. Classroom locations are posted throughout the building.
Children’s Chapel
Children ages three through 3rd grade are invited to experience the wonder of worship and joy of service in a lively, child-friendly setting. Throughout the program year, children take part in the seasons of the Christian year, exploring rituals, sacraments, and songs of our worship tradition as well as hands-on aspects of our church mission that children might shape and help share the story of our faith.
Chapel occurs during our 10:30 am worship service following our Time with Young Disciples and is approximately 40 minutes in length.
Connect 456
Connect456 helps older children (grades 4-6) connect to the church community as these students prepare to make their own way at First Church. Each week features a unique means of connecting. Connect 456 meets after Time with Young Disciples every Sunday except the first Sunday of the month.
Children’s Ministry Registration
Our nursery for children under three is open on Sunday mornings during school year beginning at 9:00 a.m. Parents and guardians may sign in their babies and toddlers for the morning, or they can visit the nursery for a play break, diaper change, or feeding. Some parents prefer to keep children with them in worship.
Worship in the Park
In summer, during Worship in the Park, children and families are invited for a special time together after Time with Young Disciples. Get ready to roll out the parachute, read stories, sing songs, and celebrate our faith outdoors!