I Love My Church


Summer Camps

Camps play a large role in our children’s ministry program and are offered each summer in a variety of forms. Scholarships are available for all camps. 

Creation Camp

June 24-27, Monday-Thursday

Register by June 1.  Questions?  Contact colin@faithatfirst.com .

A Monday through Thursday camp for First Church children and youth (entering 3rd through 8th grade), youth counselors, and adult staff in the early summer at Wesley Woods Camp on Geneva Lake in Williams Bay, WI.  Designed to be a first sleep-away camp experience for the younger kids, Creation Camp week is the favorite of the summer for many of the kids and their high school youth counselors. Activities include swimming, canoeing, crafts, devotions and Bible study, sports, horseback riding, singing, and, of course, nightly campfires and s’mores. 


Faith in the Wild: Vacation Bible School for Outsiders!

August 12-15, 2024 from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. at First United Methodist Church Evanston 

Register before August 1

Four days of environmentally focused fun and theology for children entering kindergarten through 4th grade!

Faith in the Wild is an environmentally focused Vacation Bible School program inspiring children to explore their place and relationships in creation. Through imaginative Bible storytelling and outdoor, immersive study of trees, water, birds, bugs and conservation, children will uncover elements of wildness and rootedness within and how experiences of wilderness can help us cultivate a deep and lasting connection with God.

Our daily routine will include a gathering/centering activity focused on a particular scriptural passage and storybook; ecological expeditions to the Clark Street Beach Bird Sanctuary, Evanston Ecology Center, and more; multi-sensory activities and service opportunities; healthy snacks and lunch; and a ritual sending with live music.


Family Camp

Friday-Sunday, August 9-11

Register by July 12.

Family Camp is an annual opportunity for the entire household to engage in a relazed, communal summer camp experience.  Children and families of any size and makeup are invited to spend one or two nights and enjoy swimming, playing games, singing camp songs, boating, group devotions, and time each other in God’s Creation.  This year Family Camp will be at Conference Point Center in Williams Bay, WI.

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Children’s Fellowship

J.U.M.P. Youth Group

J.U.M.P. (or “Junior United Methodist People”) is an introductory youth group for children in grades 4-6 that meets monthly on Fridays from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. From seasonal activities to service projects, J.U.M.P. combines laughter and learning for young disciples taking big steps in their faith.  

Club 123

This group of 1st-3rd graders meets once a month on Sunday from 4:30-6:00 p.m. for fun and community building. Our usual meeting place is the church but occasionally we will meet off-site for various activities.


Family Events

Our children’s ministry program believes that children’s and family ministry go hand in hand. We work to support children and families in their shared journeys of discipleship and routinely offer family events such as Family Fellowship Potluck, Advent Workshop, Easter Labyrinth Walk, parent groups and more.

 First Steps to Faith

Children ages 0-3 and their parents gather the second Sunday of each month in the nursery to play, sing songs, and enjoy time together.

Find upcoming opportunities on our 2023-24 Children’s Ministry Program Year Calendar.

Get the Details

Want to learn more about the opportunities for children and their families at First Church?

Sanctuary filled with people on Easter Sunday
Three people smiling at the camera

Find Your Place

Interested in volunteering? Looking to build meaningful relationships? Want to see what’s on the calendar that sparks your interest?