Lent Morning Prayer with Communion
Tittle ChapelMorning Prayer with Communion In Tittle Chapel. Please reach the chapel by entering through the Hinman Ave. door.
Add an event to the calendar, reserve a room or Zoom account, and/or submit info for church communications.
Morning Prayer with Communion In Tittle Chapel. Please reach the chapel by entering through the Hinman Ave. door.
First Tuesday of each month, 7-8 pm via Zoom. Contacts are Pastor Grace, Chair (grace@faithatfirst.com) and Lynelle Diener, Vice Chair (lmdiener@aol.com).
The UMW Book Groups meets on the first Tuesday at 7:30pm. The book group will meet to discuss "The Four Winds" by Kristen Hannah on Tuesday April 5. All are […]
On Zoom. Register online to receive the link and order of service.
We invite you to join the Wednesday Morning Bible Study! Our group of 12-15 persons gathers weekly on Zoom to study and discuss topics chosen by group members. Sometimes, this […]
Masks required.Open to children in grades 1-6.
Handbell Choir rehearses in the 3rd-floor Choir Room. Masks required.Open to adults and youth (MS & HS).
Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00 p.m., March 9-April 13. In our religiously fragmented world and denomination, and amid post pandemic trauma, how can getting back to basic theology guide us as we continue […]