Senior Pastor Grace Imathiu has announced that the 2022 Easter Offering is designed to support reparations in the City of Evanston.

How did the decision get made? When did the fundraising start?

Why important?  MATT

First Church donors, over 90 households, have already given $50,000 to the Evanston reparations cause.  On February 27, 2022, as the congregation prepared to enter the season of Lent, a time of repentance, the 10:30 am worship service focussed on reparations.  During the service Ms. Allison Greer, Church Council Chair, spoke of the church strategic plan objective to “actively, critically, and courageously” engage in dismantling the sin of racism.  She presented the $50,000 check to Mr. Sol Anderson, CEO of the Evanston Community Foundation, for the Reparations Stakeholders Authority of Evanston.

On February 27 Ms. Robin Rue Simmons preached in worship.  Ms. Rue Simmons  a former Evanston alderperson, is considered the architect of reparations in this city.  During the worship service Ms. Rue Simmons described her own experience as a child growing up in the Fifth Ward and spoke on the history and context of reparations work, and on how local faith communities play a key role.  First Church’s gift has inspired other Evanston congregations to collaboratively offer additional financial support for reparations.

Typically Easter offerings are how much ?

Persons who wish to contribute to the Easter Offering for reparations have multiple ways to give. Click here for details.