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Worship Services

Worship plays a central role in the life of First Church. Our faith community worships together each Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Our service is centered on the liturgical pattern of Word and Table, an approach that helps us experience the mystery of God’s saving love and helps us apply that love in today’s world. We invite you to visit First Church and experience worship for yourself.

Our typical pattern includes 10:30 a.m. worship in the sanctuary from September to early June and in air-conditioned Tittle Chapel during the summer months. This service is livestreamed for those who wish to join us from anywhere.

WIP 7-25
Worship landing photo alternate
Worship landing photo
Grace with children
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WIP 7-25
Worship landing photo alternate
Worship landing photo
Grace with children
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Worship in the Park

Worship in the Park (WIP) is an informal, come-as-you-are summer worship service at 9:00 a.m. in Lunt Park on the corner of Church Street and Sheridan Road. Persons are invited to bring chairs or blankets to sit on. During WIP, children are invited to participate in a pull-out program to explore the day’s message through hands-on activities in another part of the park.


We celebrate communion monthly during 10:30 a.m. worship and at Worship in the Park and on other liturgical holidays. For those who wish to receive communion weekly, on the other Sundays during the summer, we offer a brief Eucharist service at 10:10 a.m. in Glenna Hall.

In addition to Sunday worship and the weekly communion services, First Church offers worship on Ash Wednesday and during Holy Week.

10:30 In-person worship

Virtual Worship

Our 10:30 a.m worship is online each week. Wherever you are, join us for worship.

Sanctuary filled with people on Easter Sunday






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