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In Lunt Park - Church Street at Sheridan Road. Bring a chair or blanket Pullout activities for children Fellowship time follows worship pending volunteer hosts. Sign up. Moves to sanctuary if raining Check out Worship this Sunday for scripture texts and other details. Preaching Schedule June 19: Henry Pleas, III June 26: Rev. Grace Imathiu […]
Sign up now. We need you! Bring your voice, noisemakers, clapping skills, signs and all your positive energy to cheer on the RAH runners and walkers along the race route. In Lunt Park - Clark St. at Sheridan Road (along the race route)
The City of Evanston is encouraging residents to form their own cleaning crews and sign up to clean a park. Join First Church from 10-11am on Saturday, April 23rd to clean up our Worship in the Park spot and–if we get done with that–the nearby Lake Michigan Shore.