Rainbows, Resistance and Reconciliation (3Rs)
A Celebration of Intersectional Pride
First United Methodist’s Church Evanston’s (FUMCE) anniversary
as a Reconciling Ministry Network (RMN) Congregation
Black History Month
Saturday February 15, 9am – 3:30pm
Sunday at 10:30am Worship
First United Methodist Church of Evanston
Rev. Grace Imathiu, Senior Pastor
Rev. Britt Cox, Executive Pastor
Please join us in bringing the reconciling community and prospective congregations in Evanston, FUMCE’s district area and Conference together in the spirit of love and fellowship. Additionally, this event will commemorate FUMCE’s anniversary as a reconciling congregation and Black History Month.
On Saturday, February 15th, we will celebrate our anniversary as a reconciling faith community. We will welcome Rev. Beth Stroud, assistant professor of History of Religion at the Methodist Theological Seminary in Ohio, whose clergy orders were reinstated by the United Methodist Church after 20 years.
There will be workshops focusing on various topics, including intersectional justice, queer and trans issues, being allies, and biblical interpretation that heals, not harms. See the list of workshops. Additionally, local clergy and lay leaders will participate in a panel discussing how we can all move forward post UM General Conference and the 2024 political election.
We also invite you to our anniversary worship service on Sunday, February 16th. Dr. Pamela Lightsey will preach and lead us in reflections on what is to come as we move forward together. Dr. Lightsey is a United Methodist pastor and Vice President for Student Affairs and Associate Professor of Constructive Theology at Meadville Lombard Seminary in Chicago. She is also an author and social justice activist.
Street parking is available (2 hours free any one spot) as well as a paid garage parking just north on Church street. The garage parking cost is $10 all day Saturday, with lesser time increments/cost available. All parking is free on Sunday.
Child care will be provided, but is quite limited. Please send email to bjbrpastor@gmail.com to make a childcare reservation as soon as possible.
Faithful Witness: Love, Justice, and Resistance in Challenging Times -Charles Straight
Reflect on Jesus’ call to love the marginalized and oppressed. Learn about the intersection of racism, LGBTQIA+ justice, and systemic inequities. Act by identifying concrete steps for resisting injustice and fostering inclusion in the congregation and community.
Open Doors: Paving the Way for Trans Inclusive Congregations – Andi Voinovich
Congratulations! Your congregation has created a welcome statement and shared a congregation-wide desire to be open and affirming of the LGBTQ+ community! So now what? Join us as we explore tangible ways in which we can open wide the doors to the church for trans people on an individual and institution-wide level.
Speaking your truth in Testimony – Grace Imathiu
Explore how your testimony can be a powerful tool for healing, affirmation and witness. Your witness changes the world. Testimonies developed in the worshop may be used in worship in the final afternoon worship.
Music for Folx – Charles Hayes and Henry Pleas
This workshop will focus on making a joyful noise to the Lord with specific emphasis on resistance and reconciliation as Rainbow people. Music made in this workshop will be featured in the final afternoon worship.
Seeking Healing Through Ritual – Sydney Harkrider and Britt Cox
A workshop focused on understanding the trauma that queer individuals may experience due to religious teachings or community rejection, and how allies can contribute to healing. This will include reflective prayer stations, so come join us as we work towards healing together from any and all harm we may have experienced in the Church.
- 9:00-9:30 AM- Registration
- 9:30-10:00 AM- Music, Welcome, Gathering Worship
- 10:00 AM- Keynote Speaker – Rev. Beth Stroud
- 10:45 AM- Break
- 11:00 AM-Noon- Panel discussion, “Life After General Conference”
- 12:00 PM-1:15 PM- Lunch
- 1:30 PM-2:30 PM- Workshops (See descriptions in Workshop section)
- 2:30-3:30 PM- Closing Worship with Community to send us forth
- 9:15 AM- 10:15 AM- Adult Education, “Reconciliation and Intersectionality”
- 10:30-11:30 AM- Morning Worship: Special Music and Guest Preacher Dr. Pamela Lightsey
- 11:45 AM- Celebration of Life Milestone
Goals and Objectives
We are called together as a faith community to welcome all, especially those on the margins, and create inclusive communities based on love and justice. As part of the reconciling movement, First United Methodist Church Evanston (FUMCE) is a community of faith that is committed to the transformation of the world through Jesus’ courageous love.We know that intersectionality is key in our commitment to be reconciling and we seek justice in all communities. With this event, we hope to:
- Provide opportunities for healing and hope through community building.
- Visualize a faithful movement forward and strategize about what people and churches need for this work.
- Identify ambassadors for 2SLGBTQIA+ justice and advocacy (as RMN names them).
- Address issues facing us now like ongoing prejudice and the many hateful laws restricting gender affirming care.
- Strategize to take action against violence inflicted on members of the community, especially transgender folx.
- Address issues of mental health as relates to homophobic Christian teachings and societal attitudes in an effort to seek to reduce high suicide rates.
- Embrace queer folx who, because of cultural structural context, may still feel a need to be closeted.