The Progressive Christianity Reading Group announces its final book selection of the program year. The group will discuss Do I Stay Christian? A guide for the doubters, the disappointed, and the disillusioned on Thursdays, May 4-25, at 1pm online.
Brian McClaren, pastor, speaker, author addresses out loud the question that many people -including life long committed churchgoers are asking in private, “Do I Stay Christian?” Dismayed by what the church seems to have become in the public sphere, McClaren does not attempt to persuade questioning Christians to dig in their heels or run for the exit. Instead … he combines his own experience with that of thousands of folks who have confided their doubts to him over the years to embrace their questions, their doubts, their “heretical” thoughts to make responsible, spiritually mature, honest decisions regarding their religious identity.
There is, for McClaren, a way to say both yes and no to the question of staying Christian, from shifting the question from whether we stay Christian to how we stay human!
Join us Thursdays, May 4-25, at 1pm on Zoom. Please contact Dennis Moore at djmoore1941@gmail.com for details and the Zoom link.