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How To Use Realm Connect

The Easiest Way to Connect

Simply download the Realm Connect app from the App Store (for Apple Products) or from Google and then you are ready to:

  • reach out to other church members using the online pictorial directory.
  • connect with others in your groups and committees.
  • track your giving.

Helpful Resources to Learn Realm Connect

Some people learn by poking around a new application.

For those who prefer more support, check out this training guide.

  • Introduction for Users with Basic Information  includes user profile and security settings, the church directory and event calendar.
  • Instructions for Users Engaged in Groups and/or Ministries addresses the communication and collaboration functions of the system as well as creating and signing up for church events.
  • Additional Instructions for Group Leaders explains how to communicate through Realm and record attendance.

In addition, in-person training is available by contacting Pastor Britt Cox at britt@faithatfirst.com.


The Best Way to Serve

    Clergy, staff, and lay leadership can use Realm to:

    • make announcements;
    • arrange events and registrations;
    • create a document repository for others’ use;
    • refer to archival information.

    Expectations for using Realm Connect

    • We strongly recommend utilizing Realm for committee communication and recording keeping.
    • If you need additional help learning to use Realm for your committee/team, please contact Pastor Britt Cox for a brief training session.


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