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Congregational Care

Our Congregational Care Committee offers many ways to support others in our faith community.

Lay Visitors from our congregation meet regularly with church members who are sick, grieving, or otherwise isolated. These volunteers are trained and carefully matched with church members; they meet regularly for mutual support and ongoing training.

Our Meal Ministry is offered by a team of volunteers who prepare and deliver meals to families with new babies, people who are ill, and those who have suffered a loss.

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Our Knitting Ministry team knits blankets, hats, and gloves as well as prayer shawls for church members, families with new babies, our soup kitchen patrons, and local people in need.

Our Greeting Card Ministry reaches out to older adults on birthdays and holidays.

Flowers that have been donated for worship services are delivered to church members as a sign of care and support.

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Every December (in non-COVID times), we host an Advent Luncheon for persons over 65 in our congregation, and organize Christmas caroling to homebound members.

Our volunteers also plan and organize the Memorial Receptions that are held following funeral services at the church.


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Sanctuary filled with people on Easter Sunday






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