A new season of Christian Adult Education at First Church begins with a fresh take on the core values of our United Methodists faith tradition. Join Ron Anderson for conversation and reflection centered on Bishop Kenneth Carter’s latest call to action and unity, “Unrelenting Grace: A United Methodist Way of Life.”
United Methodist people long to love God and serve their neighbors. “Unrelenting Grace” by Bishop Ken Carter shows us how to come together and embrace grace, seek holiness, and build meaningful connections promoting strength and healing. “Unrelenting Grace” evokes insights and courage to overcome feelings of isolation, loneliness, and alienation. As we wrestle with the effects of the pandemic, social disruption, and conflicts, “Unrelenting Grace” offers guidance for stepping into the future as individuals and as communities of faith.
Copies of Unrelenting Grace are available for purchase from the front church office for $10
Please register here: https://onrealm.org/faithatfirst/PublicRegistrations/Event?linkString=NDBiZTVhNDgtYzAzNC00YmZmLWI2MmEtYjA3NDAxMWUyMWZj