As of March, the United Methodist Women organization has become United Women in Faith. This change and others are described as a “refreshing” of the organization to better address the life stages and needs of current and future members, and to welcome those from other faith traditions as well as those in local churches that choose to leave the United Methodist denomination.
Name change aside, the First Church UWF Book Group (formerly the UMW Book Group) continues to welcome all genders as it gathers monthly to discuss a book chosen by the group. On June 7 at 7:30pm at the church, conversation will focus on Hamnet by Maggie O’Farrell. With the theme of maternity running throughout, the novel features strong female characters and speaks of childbirth, loss, love, and a pandemic. Intrigued? Check out this book review.
On June 7, the group will also discuss book ideas for the 2022-23 year with a vote following this summer. After taking a break in July and August, the UWF group will resume September 6 with conversation on The Overstory by Richard Powers.