All are welcome to a three-session online conversation on the book Holy Love: A Biblical Theology for Human Sexuality by Steve Harper. The discussion is scheduled for Thursdays, January 5, 12 & 19, 1:00-2:00pm via Zoom.
Holy Love is the January book selection of the First Church Progressive Christianity reading group. Harper, a retired UMC elder of the Florida Conference, served as a seminary professor for over thirty years and will join the final discussion session on January 19.
In Holy Love Harper works to articulate the teachings of the Bible and Wesleyan tradition on human sexuality. Described as “very accessible,” this book is for persons who wish to understand the Bible’s teaching on sexuality as a vital component of human life, experience and relationships. The book makes the case that biblical, Christian teaching is compatible with faithful, covenantal love and intimacy amidst all sexual orientations.
Interested? Email Dennis Moore at for the Zoom link. A copy of the book may be borrowed from the church office.