Homelessness in Evanston – Oct. 1, 8, 15 & 22 at 9:15am
First United Methodist Church is a community of faith seeking the transformation of the world through Jesus’ courageous love. — First Church Vision Statement
Join us as we challenge ourselves to put our faith into action through this series of interactive discussions of homelessness in Evanston. Come learn more about housing and food insecurity, services currently offered, and our individual and collective response as a faith community.
- How do people find themselves without housing?
- How should you respond to panhandlers?
- Who is doing what in Evanston for people who are homeless or hungry?
- How did we/the nation get into this situation of masses of people experiencing homelessness?
- How can we put our faith into action around this pressing issue?
Oct 1st:Â Homelessness in Evanston: An overview of the causes of homelessness, who is impacted, and the available services and volunteer opportunities in our community.
Oct. 8th: Interfaith Action’s Response to Homelessness: Executive Director Sue Murphy will join us to share about current services offered by the interfaith community.
Oct. 15th: Connections for the Homeless’s Response to Homelessness: Manager of Advocacy for Affordable Housing Sue Loellbach will join us to share the status of affordable housing.
Oct. 22nd: FUMC’s Faith in Action: How can we respond to the Homelessness crisis in Evanston individually and as a faith community?
Discussion Leaders Ann Weatherhead, FMC Interfaith Action Delegate, Affordable Housing Advocate Melissa Appelt, Interfaith Action Board Chair
Registration is helpful and drop-ins are always welcome.  https://onrealm.org/faithatfirst/PublicRegistrations/Event?linkString=Yzc1NTczODYtODg1OS00YjYwLWI2NmItYjA3NDAxMjMyN2Yw