Home / Events / Fleetwood-Jourdain Production: The Bitter Earth – Dinner and a Show

Fleetwood-Jourdain Production: The Bitter Earth – Dinner and a Show

by | Oct 26, 2023

The Social Justice Committee and the Reconciling Congregation Task Force invite you to Fleetwood-Jourdain Theatre’s production of This Bitter Earth on Sunday November 12 at 3:00 pm. The invitation is to a Fleetwood-Jourdain Theatre and Stacked & Folded in Evanston offering of a $30 Dinner and Show Package. We will discuss the play over dinner; Stacked and Folded is just across Noyes Street from the theatre.

Register now and pay online or via check/cash due Nov. 12.

This Bitter Earth

A deep love is challenged by divisive political realities. Jesse, an introspective Black playwright, finds his choices called into question when his boyfriend Neil, a white Black Lives Matter activist, calls him out for his political apathy. As passions and priorities collide, this couple is forced to reckon with issues, of race, class and the bravery it takes to love out loud.

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