“I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in.” – George Washington Carver
The Covenant Hike Group invites all who have a wonder of the natural world to share nature immersion with each other through 3 seasons while experiencing the presence of God. The format is simple. We begin with a brief reading (scripture or poem), hike along while sharing joys and concerns, and appreciate 5 minutes of silence at mid-point. Each hike concludes with an optional, brief time of sharing about our experiences on the hike, closing prayer, and a cool or hot drink! All ages are welcomed!
Beginning Sunday October 1st, we will meet at a designated location at 2 p.m., hiking various paths in our area for about an hour at a comfortable pace for everyone. The group will meet each first Sunday through May and participants may join in as schedules allow.
All who participate are welcomed to share in ownership. The wonder of the natural world and God’s presence in it is limitless.
Facilitators: Jim Johnson and Lee Rader. If interested, please contact Jim at jjohnso@luc.edu to be placed on the distribution list.