Who is in your Circle of Ten?

Who is in your Circle of Ten?

Other churches might envy the steady visitor traffic we have at First Church.  We do not have trouble attracting visitors.  Our challenge is welcoming and retaining them. Robert Crossman of the Lewis Center for Church Leadership proposes that worshippers pay attention...
Meet Sydney Harkrider

Meet Sydney Harkrider

  Sydney Harkrider will be installed during July 9 worship as our new Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries.  Between the two worship services on that day, the congregation will have the opportunity to welcome her to Evanston and First Church.   We had a...
An Origin Story of Worship in the Park

An Origin Story of Worship in the Park

Originally written and published in the June/July 2013 issue of Faith at First, First Church’s former print newsletter, this piece outlines how and why Worship in the Park began.  The story is worth revisiting as we begin our 25th year of Worship in the Park....
Member Spotlight:  Bill Brown

Member Spotlight: Bill Brown

  By Chris Webler, Guest Contributor     If a church is fortunate, there are a few people in the congregation who decide to donate a significant portion of their time to their church. First United Methodist Church of Evanston has been the recipient of such a...
Inviting Applications for Nursery Coordinator Position

Inviting Applications for Nursery Coordinator Position

First Church seeks a dedicated individual to serve as the coordinator of the church nursery on Sunday mornings.  This part-time position begins September 11 and continues through May 28. Our nursery program seeks to provide safe, secure, nurturing, clean and efficient...
Support UMCOR Response to Refugee Migration

Support UMCOR Response to Refugee Migration

Millions of refugees are fleeing war, persecution, and violence in their homelands, often running with just the clothes on their backs. UMCOR and Global Ministries are addressing the global refugee and migration contexts guided by four principles: the right to stay...
Reach Out, Read Out!

Reach Out, Read Out!

Calling all book lovers, storytellers, performers, and readers of ALL ages!   Our Change for Change recipient, Erie Family Health Centers’ Reach Out and Read program, is leading its annual Reach Out, Read Out! Virtual Storytime Series this March. This...