A Message from Total Child

Hello First Church members, On behalf of the Total Child families, I am writing to share some exciting news. Each year, we invite our community to support the Total Child Scholarship Fund, which helps make our school accessible to families who face financial...
What Are You Putting Down Your Drain?

What Are You Putting Down Your Drain?

This month, the Earth Care Committee encourages you to think about your impact on water quality. Commonly used household products that go down the drain can be hazardous to aquatic environments and our own health. Cleaning products, shampoo, sidewalk salts, and...

Inquirers Cook & Serve at Soup Kitchen

On February 13, members of our Inquirers Class plus two church members and a couple other church friends gathered to prepare supper for the Thursday Soup Kitchen and to serve the meal in the church dining room.  It was a fun project to take on, provided an opportunity...

6 Ways You Can Make an Impact on Climate Change

Wondering what you can do to help our planet in crisis? Take a look at these suggestions from your friends at the Earth Care committee: 1. Commit to composting. Decomposing food is one of the top sources of methane, a potent greenhouse gas the contributes to climate...
Celebrate an Earth-Friendly Christmas

Celebrate an Earth-Friendly Christmas

As we anticipate the coming of the Christ Child this Advent, how can we live more deeply into our call to be good stewards of our earthly home? The Earth Care committee has a few ideas to make our Christmas celebrations more sustainable and just as joyful.   ·...
Earth Care Proposes Plastic Reduction Goal

Earth Care Proposes Plastic Reduction Goal

Guest Contributor:  the Earth Care Committee Judith Campbell (chair), Phyllis Bird, Kathryn Calkins, Alex Chadwick, Eileen Chambers, Scott Fosdick, Marianne Griebler, Jason Lewis, Paula Scholl, Roxann Specht Does it really matter if we use plastic forks for the cake? ...
Introducing The Christian Experiment

Introducing The Christian Experiment

Are you looking for greater community at First Church?  Are you an early Sunday morning riser and waiting for church to begin at 10:30?  Do you wonder what God is telling us in our everyday lives? If you are asking one or more of these questions — or are just...
Saturday Morning with No. 6 Foam

Saturday Morning with No. 6 Foam

By Guest Writer Judith Campbell, Vice Chair of the Earth Care Committee    On Saturday morning Phyllis Bird and I stood on the church steps at the Church Street Entrance with a big box to collect foam #6 for recycling.  Most of us know it as styrofoam.  It comes...
Our Story of Joining the Reconciling Movement

Our Story of Joining the Reconciling Movement

By guest writer Kathy Cheney-Egan on behalf of the Reconciling Congregation Task Force  On February 9, 2014, FUMC Evanston made a somewhat formal but very important decision.  We decided to become a Reconciling Congregation in the United Methodist Church which by...