Add an event to the calendar, reserve a room or Zoom account, and/or submit info for church communications.
Sunday School takes place before Worship from 9:15-10:15 a.m. from mid-September through May, with an emphasis on learning and responding to stories in the Bible through reading, conversation, and play. Sunday School is offered for children ages Pre-K-6th grade. Classroom locations are posted throughout the building.
High school students— we officially have a Sunday morning class for you! With the growing number of folks who want to have a space of their own, your wish has been granted! Meet in Room M for announcements, and then our lovely Ashtyn Ball will walk you to Room J for class. Come join us […]
7th and 8th graders— it’s time for Confirmation to begin! We will meet in Room M on Rally Day morning. See y’all soon!
What does wonder, suffering, sacraments, and the mission of the Church have in common with John Wesley? Come to Why Methodism (formerly Methodism 101) to learn of the common link. Spoiler alert…they are all means of grace. Come and learn more! We will look in less “traveled places” for grace and God’s disclosure to us. […]
Ever had doubts? If you are like most, you have. Ever had doubts about Christian faith? Many of us have. In a recent study at a leading United Methodist Church, 95 percent of believers stated they struggle with doubt occasionally and 24 percent stated they struggle with doubt regularly. This same study also found that […]
Adults and high school youth rehearse music for worship in the Chancel at the front of the Sanctuary. No audition required. Email Dr. Brian Schoettler for more information.
By Friday, January 31 - Request for Proposals to Counter White Christian Nationalism Please submit specific proposals for how we can actively counter white Christian nationalism to Joe Agne ( by Friday, January 31. Your submissions will be organized for consideration discussion on Sunday, February 2. Please consider what individuals, small groups, the whole church, […]
New Members, meet with Mary Taylor-Johnson in Tittle Chapel to rehearse the flow of worship.
Bring your Styrofoam to Church to be Recycled! Every 3rd Saturday of the month, 10 am to 12 noon, at the Church Street entrance. And now every the 3rd Sunday of the month, near the front office.