10:30 Worship in the Sanctuary
SanctuaryAll are welcome to 10:30 worship in our Sactuary. Details each Sunday can be found at https://faithatfirst.org/gather/worship-services/worship-this-sunday/Â
Add an event to the calendar, reserve a room or Zoom account, and/or submit info for church communications.
All are welcome to 10:30 worship in our Sactuary. Details each Sunday can be found at https://faithatfirst.org/gather/worship-services/worship-this-sunday/Â
Children’s Chapel seeks to excite and build confidence in children’s experience of worship and sense of belonging at First Church. Children ages three through 3rd grade are invited to experience the wonder of worship and joy of service in a lively, child-friendly setting. Throughout the program year, children take part in the seasons of the […]
Connect456 is designed to help children in grades 4-6 connect to the church community as older elementary and middle school students preparing to make their own way at First Church. Each week features a unique means of connecting, including serving in leadership with younger children, learning about our church history and United Methodist identity, observing […]
The Children's Council acts as both a work committee and an advisory board to the Director of Children's Ministry. The Children's Council focuses on formulating and supporting the vision of our various children's ministries. We consult with the Director of Children's Ministries to plan the yearlong calendar. Under the umbrella of Children's Ministries are the following […]
Calling all Young Adults! We are gathering for potlucks on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month at 5:30pm. Feel free to bring your favorite side item or dessert! Contact Sydney Harkrider at sydney@faithatfirst.com for the location!
The Faith Formation Council meets on the third Tuesday of each month, 7-8pm online.  Questions may be directed to Tom Scott (tom.scott.goblue@msn.com), who co-chairs this committee along with Lee Rader.
A meeting of the Adult Christian Education Council. The contacts are Allison Greer allison.greer123@gmail.com Henry Carrigan carjrn@aol.com
Monthly meeting of the Staff Parish Relations Committee. Please address questions about this group to Beth Swanick, Chair.
On Tuesdays beginning January 2nd, you are invited to a thirty minute Night Prayer Service to end your day in community and peace. These services from 8:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., available via Zoom, are patterned after the ancient monastic tradition of Compline (meaning completion)–the final prayer of the day. We will follow a simple […]
The Wednesday Bible Study is a longstanding group that meets online every Wednesday 10-11:30am with the exception of a short break in the summer. Questions? Please contact Janet Lutz at janetatl@aol.com .Â