Holocaust Museum Outing
Single or Solo Fellowship group has arranged a group tour, with a docent, of the Skokie Holocaust Museum. Everyone is welcome. Please contact Marion Clemens for more information.
Add an event to the calendar, reserve a room or Zoom account, and/or submit info for church communications.
Single or Solo Fellowship group has arranged a group tour, with a docent, of the Skokie Holocaust Museum. Everyone is welcome. Please contact Marion Clemens for more information.
It will be a discussion and formulation of a Cease Fire Resolution for the Israel-Gaza Conflict to be addressed to our church council. The resolution is being initiated by the Social Justice and Adult Ed Committees of the church.
Faith & Parenting offers a weekly space for parents of children at all stages to share and reflect on how their personal and familial faith journeys are nurtured and challenged through the vocation of parenting. Brief guided reflections based on scriptures shared in Children's Sunday school will accompany each session.
Adults and high school youth rehearse music for worship in the Chancel at the front of the Sanctuary. No audition required. Email Dr. Brian Schoettler for more information.
All are welcome to 10:30 worship in our Sactuary. Details each Sunday can be found at https://faithatfirst.org/gather/worship-services/worship-this-sunday/
Children’s Chapel seeks to excite and build confidence in children’s experience of worship and sense of belonging at First Church. Children ages three through 3rd grade are invited to experience the wonder of worship and joy of service in a lively, child-friendly setting. Throughout the program year, children take part in the seasons of the […]
Connect456 is designed to help children in grades 4-6 connect to the church community as older elementary and middle school students preparing to make their own way at First Church. Each week features a unique means of connecting, including serving in leadership with younger children, learning about our church history and United Methodist identity, observing […]
Earth Care Lending Library Open on November 12 Looking for a place to continue growing in your understanding of environmental justice and how to care for God’s creation? Visit the Earth Care Lending Library, which is open every 2nd Sunday after worship in Great Hall. A small lending library with books for readers of all […]
Registration is now open for Creation Camp! Creation Camp is a faith and fun-filled overnight camp experience taking place June 24-27, 2024 in beautiful Williams Bay, WI, suitable for all children entering grades 3-8 in the fall of 2024. Parents, caregivers, counselors and campers interested in learning more about this year's camp experience are encouraged […]