Inquirers Orientation Session
Tittle ChapelOn Feb. 26 for Inquirers orientation our activity will involve use of Glenna Hall, Tittle Chapel, and the Bundled Blessings diaper pantry.
Add an event to the calendar, reserve a room or Zoom account, and/or submit info for church communications.
On Feb. 26 for Inquirers orientation our activity will involve use of Glenna Hall, Tittle Chapel, and the Bundled Blessings diaper pantry.
Email for more details.
Single or Solo is the Fellowship group for single First Church members in their 60’s and above. On February 26 we will see The Magic Flute performed by Northwestern Univ. Opera Theater. The performance at Cahn Auditorium starts at 3pm, and tickets are $18. If you’d like to attend please contact Marion Clemens at […]
This group of women of a certain age meets on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month from 10:00 to 11:00 am for informal conversations on a wide variety of topics: books, the news, restaurants, grandchildren, and places to visit. No matter what’s on the table, we are all ears. Come join the conversation […]
Children's Choir is open to children in grades 1-6 and children can join at any time. Email for more details.
The Handbell Choir plays in worship once each month. Basic music reading skills required (instrumentalists are especially welcome). Open to adults and youth in grades 6-12. New members welcome throughout the year - email for more details.
SATB Choir for adults and youth in grades 9-12. New members welcome throughout the year - email for more details.
Life is rarely neat and tidy. But God isn't afraid to enter the mess. "Messy Church" is an opportunity for kids, families, and adults to engage in hands-on creative activities, celebratory worship, and time together in community. The concept originated in the U.K. and has spread around the world. This new program begins at First Church on Sunday, March 5 and offers a different kind of Sunday School for children and adults on March 5 and again on May 7. Please register for the sessions you plan to attend so […]
Inquirers Class serves as an exploration of First Church, its ministries, and people, and includes individual and collective reflection on our faith journeys. The class serves as an opportunities for persons considering membership at First Church to discern whether that step is a good fit at this time. Persons who have questions or are interested […]