Add an event to the calendar, reserve a room or Zoom account, and/or submit info for church communications.
Children in grades 1-6 rehearse weekly and sing in worship monthly. No audition is required and new singers are welcome throughout the year. For more information, email Dr. Brian Schoettler.
The Handbell Choir plays in worship seasonally. Basic music reading skills required (instrumentalists are especially welcome). Open to adults and youth in grades 6-12. New members are welcome throughout the year – email Dr. Brian Schoettler for more information.
The Progressive Christianity Reading Group kicks off the new year on Sept. 5 at 1:00pm with its weekly one-hour Zoom gathering. "Reading Genesis" by Marilynne Robinson is our first selection. It may be found at online booksellers as well as the Evanston Library. Robinson offers these words on the topic: "The book of Genesis has […]
As part of Interfaith Action of Evanston, First Church hosts a weekly soup kitchen each Thursday evening. A host team of First Church volunteers is needed each week, and 5-6 times a year we also need cooking teams. Interested in helping? Please contact Dave Koester ( about current scheduling needs.
Sunday School takes place before Worship from 9:15-10:15 a.m. from mid-September through May, with an emphasis on learning and responding to stories in the Bible through reading, conversation, and play. Sunday School is offered for children ages Pre-K-6th grade. Classroom locations are posted throughout the building.
Faith & Parenting offers a weekly space for parents of children at all stages to share and reflect on how their personal and familial faith journeys are nurtured and challenged through the vocation of parenting. Brief guided reflections based on scriptures shared in Children's Sunday school will accompany each session.
Come sing the social justice verses of many Christmas Carols at 9:15am on Sunday, December 29 in the Dining Room. We will focus on verses like this from “O Holy Night” - “Truly He taught us to love one another. His law is love and His gospel is peace. Chains shall He break for the […]
Ever had doubts? If you are like most, you have. Ever had doubts about Christian faith? Many of us have. In a recent study at a leading United Methodist Church, 95 percent of believers stated they struggle with doubt occasionally and 24 percent stated they struggle with doubt regularly. This same study also found that […]
Adults and high school youth rehearse music for worship in the Chancel at the front of the Sanctuary. No audition required. Email Dr. Brian Schoettler for more information.