White Men Talking About Race
Contact Tom Butler with any questions.
Add an event to the calendar, reserve a room or Zoom account, and/or submit info for church communications.
Contact Tom Butler with any questions.
In personGlenna HallContact Janet Lutz
Masks required.Open to children in grades 1-6.
Handbell Choir rehearses in the 3rd-floor Choir Room. Masks required.Open to adults and youth (MS & HS).
Chancel Choir rehearsal in the 3rd-floor Choir Room. Masks required.
Plans are underway for First UMC and Sherman UMC to share a simple meal together. All are invited and a registration for the event will be announced after Thanksgiving. If you have any further questions, please contact :Jane@faithatfirst.com"
Pick-up at Hinman Avenue door.
This weekly Bible study invites participants to discuss the scripture texts for the coming Sundayand to ponder what those stories may teach us today. New participants are always welcome.Facilitators: Bill Brown (bbrown@wwbrown-inc.com) and Lee Rader (leelrader@gmail.com)."