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The Wednesday online Bible Study Group is branching out with a book study of The Meaning of Jesus: Two Visions by Marcus Borg and N.T. Wright. Discussion begins May 24 and continues weekly through June 28. This group engages in Bible study online weekly and invites all those who want to go deeper and learn […]
Mom's Night Out on June 1 is hosted by Chris Webler and Nancy Brown. All mothers are invited to gather at the Webler home for appetizers, drinks, and informal conversation. Please contact for address info.
Bundled Blessings Diaper Bank is holding its annual Diaper Drive known as "Pack the Truck." The community is invited to drop off boxes of diapers (any size or brand) or purchase diapers through Amazon or make an online donation in support of Bundled Blessings Diaper Bank.
Since the beginning of Lent, our 7th & 8th grade Confirmation students have been working on a service project that addresses the intersection of mental health and homelessness in our community. Please join us on June 4 at 9:15 a.m. in the dining room for the culmination of their project. Youth will be teaching an […]
Email for more details.