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All are welcome to join in the fun for Zoom Game Nights with the Limitless Group everyThursday from 8:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. The group starts the night by checking in with each other.They then play games such as Trivial Pursuit and Pictionary, led by Matt and Stephanie Peters.All ages and stages are welcome to the Limitless […]
For information contact Susan Prout at
Each Sunday we gather at 10:30 AM for worship in Tittle Chapel. The service is also livestreamed on Youtube and Facebook.
Book Group, formerly known as the UMW Book Group, meets at the church monthly on a weekday evening from fall through spring to discuss a mutually selected book. Books are often contemporary fiction, sometimes nonfiction, with an occasional classic and mystery thrown in the mix. New participants are always welcome. On Tuesday, September 6, at […]
Piano Tunings 9am-3pm in Choir Room, Room 33, Sanctuary
The Wednesday Morning Bible Study gathers Wednesdays 10-11:30 am on Zoom most weeks during the year, with breaks around holidays. On a typical Wednesday morning about 15 persons gather to discuss scripture passages or related readings chosen by the group. The group has opted to meet online to accommodate participants who have moved away […]