Add an event to the calendar, reserve a room or Zoom account, and/or submit info for church communications.
On Sunday, May 22, 9:15-10:15 am, the Social Justice Committee hosts a class titled, "Call to Love and Leadership," led by Lieutenant Colonel Dr. Rod Smith. Dr. Smith will share his faith perspective and leadership background with the church. The class is offered in hybrid format; participants can attend in person or online. Register here, […]
Chancel Choir rehearsal in the Chancel area of the Sanctuary.
Each Sunday we gather at 10:30 AM for worship in the sanctuary. The service is also livestreamed on Youtube and Facebook.
Connect456 is designed to help students start to connect to the church community as older elementary students and Middle School students who are preparing to find their own place at First Church. Connect456 meets during our 10:30 am worship service following our Time with Young Disciples and is approximately 40 minutes in length. Each week features […]
Children’s Chapel helps children ages 3 through 3rd grade to experience the wonder of worship within a lively, child friendly setting. Chapel will focus on a variety of expressions of worship using many forms of music, art, and hands on activities. Chapel will occur during our 10:30 am worship service following our Time with Young […]
Weekly gathering for High School students to engage in learning about the weekly scripture texts in worship and connections to faith. Contact with questions
Friends at First is a group of active retired and semi-retired persons in the First Church congregation and a mix of longtime members and folks new-to-the-church. The group gathers 6-8 times a year for fellowship, shared meals, and cultural outings. Please email Chris Webler at to be added to the mailing list. Evanston Symphony Concert […]