Communications and Calendar Request

Add an event to the calendar, reserve a room or Zoom account, and/or submit info for church communications.


Event Series Wednesday Bible Study

Wednesday Bible Study


The Wednesday Bible Study is a longstanding group that welcomes new persons.  The group meets online every Wednesday 10-11:30am with the exception of a short break in the summer.  New participants are always welcome. Please contact Janet Lutz at if you are interested. 

Wednesday Morning Bible Study

On 1/3/2024 we will begin the 10 week study of Eve Isn’t Evil by Julie Faith Parker. It is available through or from Amazon. Contact Janet Lutz to be added to email list.

Event Series Soup Kitchen

Soup Kitchen

Dining Room

As part of Interfaith Action of Evanston, First Church hosts a weekly soup kitchen each Thursday evening.  A host team of First Church volunteers is needed each week, and 5-6 times a year we also need cooking teams.   Interested in helping?  Please contact Dave Koester ( about current scheduling needs.

Event Series Messy Church!

Messy Church!

Great Hall

Messy Church is Christ-centered. Messy Church is creative. Messy Church is for all ages. Messy Church is where YOU belong! Life is rarely neat and tidy. But God isn't afraid to enter the mess. Messy Church is an opportunity for children, families, and adults to engage in hands-on creative activities, celebratory worship, and time together […]

Event Series Inquirers Class

Inquirers Class

Glenna Hall

In the Inquirers Class participants will explore: First Church, its people and ministries; Methodist theology and the United Methodist denomination Their individual faith journey:  How did this journey start for me?  Where am I now, and what questions am I wrestling with? What I do I need to nourish me as I continue on this journey? […]

Event Series Methodist Youth Fellowship

Methodist Youth Fellowship

Room M

It's time to start up Youth Ministry again! All youth are invited to come at Methodist Youth Fellowship every 1st and 3rd Sunday right after service from 11:30-1:30pm starting on September 17th. We will have lunch, play games, and have time to gather to talk about where we are at in life. This will be […]

Event Series Covenant Hike Group

Covenant Hike Group

“I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in.” – George Washington Carver The Covenant Hike Group invites all who have a wonder of the natural world to share nature immersion with each other through 3 seasons while experiencing […]