First Books (AKA UMC Book Group)
Glenna HallDiscussion of To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf
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Discussion of To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf
Children's Choir is open to children in grades 1-6 and children can join at any time. Email for more details.
The Handbell Choir plays in worship once each month. Basic music reading skills required (instrumentalists are especially welcome). Open to adults and youth in grades 6-12. New members welcome throughout the year - email for more details.
Festival Choir is open to adults and youth in grades 9-12. While music reading skills are needed, no audition is required. The choir rehearses repertoire for the concert on May 19.
SATB Choir for adults and youth in grades 9-12. New members welcome throughout the year - email for more details.
This group meets via Zoom at 8:00 am on the first and third Thursday of each month except in the summer (June, July, August), when meetings occur on the first Thursday only. When there is a fifth Sunday in the month, the group will now meet for breakfast at the Merion, replacing the first Thursday […]
For details and online registration for Creation Camp and other summer opportunities, visit Children's Ministry This Season - First United Methodist Church of Evanston, IL ( .
Life is rarely neat and tidy. But God isn'tafraid to enter the mess! "Messy Church" is an opportunity for kids, families, and adults to engage in hands-on creative activities, worship, celebratory worship, and time together in community. The concept originated in the U.K. and has spread around the world. Don't miss our next "Messy Church" date, Sunday, May 7, from 9:00-10:15am […]
Children age 0-3 and their families are invited to join First Church’s Nursery Coordinator, Rachel Shepherd, on Sunday, May 7th at 9:30 a.m. in the nursery (Rm. 29) to share stories, sing songs, and enjoy fellowship together. Anyone who would like to participate can register for the event at the following link:
Email for more details.