Lay Visitors
Glenna HallPastor Grace's meeting with Lay Visitors
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Pastor Grace's meeting with Lay Visitors
presented by Robert A. Harris, PhD, Professor Emeritus, Bienen School of Music, Northwestern University African American (Negro) Spirituals have played a significant part in American music from their inception in the 19th century. These religious folk songs, especially the choral genre, have become an important American contribution to music performances throughout the world. This presentation […]
Group working on the charge and structure of the Fellowship Committee
This group of women of a certain age meets on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month from 10:00 to 11:00 am for informal conversations on a wide variety of topics: books, the news, restaurants, grandchildren, and places to visit. No matter what’s on the table, we are all ears. Come join the conversation […]
On Tuesdays beginning January 3, you are invited to a thirty minute Night Prayer Service to end your day in community and peace. These services from 8:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., available via Zoom, are patterned after the ancient monastic tradition of Compline (meaning completion)--the final prayer of the day. We will follow a simple […]
Bible study for those who want to go deeper, learn more about the Bible. Open to all wanting to learn via zoom. Meets weekly 10-11:30 am. Contact Janet Lutz for more info and zoom contacts:
Children's Choir is open to children in grades 1-6 and children can join at any time. Email for more details.
The Communications Committee meets on the third Wednesday of each month. Questions? Contact Mary Taylor-Johnson at or S.E. Brick at . 2022-23 Communications Committee: Liz Blackwell, S.E. Brick (chair), Karen Jordan Farr, Wendy Istvanick, Todd Kibbey, Lauren McDonald, Henry Pleas, Andy Shotwell, Mary Taylor-Johnson (Director of Communications and Membership)
SATB Choir for adults and youth in grades 9-12. New members welcome throughout the year - email for more details.
The Progressive Christianity Reading Group begins discussion of a new book. New participants are always welcome to this online weekly gathering. John Dominic Crossan’s The Power of Parable: How Fiction By Jesus Became Fiction About Jesus is a provocative look at the Gospels. Crossan begins by observing that the parabolic stories told by Jesus seem remarkably […]