SPRC Monthly Meeting
Monthly meeting of the Staff Parish Relations Committee. Please address questions about this group to Beth Swanick, Chair.
Add an event to the calendar, reserve a room or Zoom account, and/or submit info for church communications.
Monthly meeting of the Staff Parish Relations Committee. Please address questions about this group to Beth Swanick, Chair.
We are beginning a new tradition for our Young Adult group! We will be having a Young Adult Retreat on April 19-21st. The location of where we stay will be determined by our group size. We will do group lessons, crafts, self reflection, and plenty of bonding. This is a wonderful time to recharge your […]
The Earth Care Committee holds its monthly Styrofoam collection time at First UMC Evanston on the third Saturday of the month at the Church Street entrance between 10am and Noon. Material to be collected includes all clean No. 6 plastic foam. Acceptable items include disposable coffee cups; take out containers (such as clamshells); plastic plates, […]
Come join Couples Salon for an evening of good food and fellowship on Saturday, April 20th, at the Barbours' home in Evanston. This fun evening co-hosted by Nancy and Dennis Barbour and Evelyn and Mike McGowan will begin at 6:30 pm. Please RSVP to Evelyn at em4mail@gmail.com or via text at 312-816-5353 to let her […]
Faith & Parenting offers a weekly space for parents of children at all stages to share and reflect on how their personal and familial faith journeys are nurtured and challenged through the vocation of parenting. Brief guided reflections based on scriptures shared in Children's Sunday school will accompany each session.
Sunday School takes place before Worship from 9:15-10:15 a.m. from mid-September through May, with an emphasis on learning and responding to stories in the Bible through reading, conversation, and play. Sunday School is offered for children ages Pre-K-6th grade. Classroom locations are posted throughout the building.
Please join us for any or all of this four-week exploration of nature as God’s first sacred text. Participants will be invited into a deeper understanding of God through nature. For additional details and online registration, click here.
Children ages 0-3 and their parents or caregivers gather one Sunday a month in the nursery for seasonal stories, songs, and activities for young families.
Adults and high school youth rehearse music for worship in the Chancel at the front of the Sanctuary. No audition required. Email Dr. Brian Schoettler for more information.
On April 21, First Church will celebrate "Earth Sunday" during 10:30am worship in the sanctuary. The renewal of God’s creation each spring reminds us of our covenant to care for the Earth, our home. Join our faith community as we welcome guest preacher Rev. Emily Carroll of Shady Grove UMC, Louisiana. She will share firsthand […]