Adult Christian Education Council
Conference RoomA meeting of the Adult Christian Education Council. The contacts are Allison Greer Henry Carrigan
Add an event to the calendar, reserve a room or Zoom account, and/or submit info for church communications.
A meeting of the Adult Christian Education Council. The contacts are Allison Greer Henry Carrigan
Monthly meeting of the Staff Parish Relations Committee. Please address questions about this group to Beth Swanick, Chair.
This group of women “of a certain age” meet on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month from 10:00 to 11:00 am. In summer and good weather, we gather behind the Garrett Seminary on the Northwestern U campus. In winter or inclement weather, we meet at Le Peep in Evanston for informal conversations on […]
The Wednesday Bible Study is a longstanding group that welcomes new persons. The group meets online every Wednesday 10-11:30am with the exception of a short break in the summer. New participants are always welcome. Please contact Janet Lutz at if you are interested.
We are excited to be able to serve a home-cooked Thanksgiving meal to our Soup Kitchen guests on Thanksgiving Day - Thursday, November 23. We expect to have 65 guests. It takes a village to feed our village! You can provide support by bringing food and/or volunteering in the kitchen or dining room. To help […]
Join Progressive Christian Reading Group as they explore Karen Armstrong’s “Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life” on Thursdays during November via ZOOM from 1pm to 2pm. One of the most original thinkers on the role of religion in the modern world, Armstrong believes that while compassion is intrinsic in all human beings, each of us […]
As part of Interfaith Action of Evanston, First Church hosts a weekly soup kitchen each Thursday evening. A host team of First Church volunteers is needed each week, and 5-6 times a year we also need cooking teams. Interested in helping? Please contact Dave Koester ( about current scheduling needs.
God’s Story, Our Stories – Lectionary Bible Study Group YOU Are Invited! The Lectionary Bible Study Group meets via zoom every Thursday night mid-September through mid-June from 7 – 8:30 p.m. We are a band of curious explorers, reflecting upon the lectionary passages for the coming Sunday. We ask many questions. We have “ah ha” […]
Faith & Parenting offers a weekly space for parents of children at all stages to share and reflect on how their personal and familial faith journeys are nurtured and challenged through the vocation of parenting. Brief guided reflections based on scriptures shared in Children's Sunday school will accompany each session.
Sunday School for children takes place weekly 9:15-10:15 a.m. during the Christian education hour and emphasizes sharing and responding to stories in the Bible through multisensory activities, spiritual practices, guided reflection, and play. Sunday School is offered for children ages Pre-K-6th grade with "Messy Church" offered on the first Sunday of every month for the entire […]