Engaging the Community for Social Transformation
VideoWe encourage you to register for a Discipleship Ministries monthly webinar series, Engaging the Community for Social Transformation"
Add an event to the calendar, reserve a room or Zoom account, and/or submit info for church communications.
VideoWe encourage you to register for a Discipleship Ministries monthly webinar series, Engaging the Community for Social Transformation"
Pick-up at Hinman Avenue door.
This weekly Bible study invites participants to discuss the scripture texts for the coming Sundayand to ponder what those stories may teach us today. New participants are always welcome.Facilitators: Bill Brown (bbrown@wwbrown-inc.com) and Lee Rader (leelrader@gmail.com)."
All are welcome to join in the fun for Zoom Game Nights with the Limitless Group everyThursday from 8:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. The group starts the night by checking in with each other.They then play games such as Trivial Pursuit and Pictionary, led by Matt and Stephanie Peters.All ages and stages are welcome to the Limitless […]
In personFriends at First will meet for dinner Friday, November 19 at Reza’s(1557 Sherman Ave., Evanston) at 5:30 pm and then attendFirst Church’s Festival Choir Concert at 7:30.Handel’s Messiah (Part I) & Vivaldi’s “Gloria” with orchestra.We respectfully request that guests be fully vaccinated. Please email Chris Webler at c.webler@gmail.com if you would like to attend.
First Church's Festival Choir and Orchestra present Handel's Messiah" (Part I) &: Vivaldi's : "Gloria." : These sacred
For information contact Susan Prout at swprout@comcast.net
In person Room M