Children’s Choir Rehearsal
Children's Choir is open to children in grades 1-6 and children can join at any time. Email for more details.
Add an event to the calendar, reserve a room or Zoom account, and/or submit info for church communications.
Children's Choir is open to children in grades 1-6 and children can join at any time. Email for more details.
The Handbell Choir plays in worship once each month. Basic music reading skills required (instrumentalists are especially welcome). Open to adults and youth in grades 6-12. New members welcome throughout the year - email for more details.
Meets on the second Wednesday of each month from 7:00-8:15 pm. Contact Mark Henry, chair, (Â with questions.
Festival Choir is open to adults and youth in grades 9-12. While music reading skills are needed, no audition is required. The choir rehearses repertoire for the concert on May 19.
SATB Choir for adults and youth in grades 9-12. New members welcome throughout the year - email for more details.
All are welcome to join in the fun for Zoom Game Nights with the Limitless Group the second Thursday of each month from 7:00pm -9:00pm. The group starts the night by checking in with each other. They then play games such as Trivial Pursuit and Pictionary, led by Matt and Stephanie Peters. All ages and […]
All are welcome to join in the fun for Zoom Game Nights with the Limitless Group the second Thursday of each month from 7:00pm -9:00pm. The group starts the night by checking in with each other. They then play games such as Trivial Pursuit and Pictionary, led by Matt and Stephanie Peters. All ages and […]
Sunday school takes place weekly before worship from 9:15-10:15 a.m. with an emphasis on sharing and responding to stories in the Bible through multisensory activities, spiritual practices, guided reflection, and play. Sunday School classes are offered for children ages Pre-K-6th grade, with monthly all-ages Sunday school programs for the entire family.