Faith Formation Council “Train the Trainer” Event
Memorial GardenThis is a "train the trainer" event on walking the labyrinth for members of the Faith Formation Council to prepare them to lead sessions for the congregation later in the fall.
Add an event to the calendar, reserve a room or Zoom account, and/or submit info for church communications.
This is a "train the trainer" event on walking the labyrinth for members of the Faith Formation Council to prepare them to lead sessions for the congregation later in the fall.
Calling all Young Adults! We are gathering for potlucks on July 28 & August 25 at 5:30pm. Feel free to bring your favorite side item or dessert! Contact Sydney Harkrider at for the location!
A group of volunteers from Underwriters Lab will be packing diapers for Bundled Blessings and learning about the diaper bank. The event will be 10-11:30am on Tuesday, September 24. Contact Person: Nancy Brown,, 847-271-1712.
This group of women “of a certain age” meet on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month from 10:00 to 11:00 am. In summer and good weather, we gather behind the Garrett Seminary on the Northwestern U campus. In winter or inclement weather, we meet at Le Peep in Evanston for informal conversations on […]
Children in grades 1-6 rehearse weekly and sing in worship monthly. No audition is required and new singers are welcome throughout the year. For more information, email Dr. Brian Schoettler.
The Handbell Choir plays in worship seasonally. Basic music reading skills required (instrumentalists are especially welcome). Open to adults and youth in grades 6-12. New members are welcome throughout the year – email Dr. Brian Schoettler for more information.
Adults and high school youth rehearse music for worship. No audition is required. Email Dr. Brian Schoettler for more information.