9:00 am Summer Outdoor Worship
Join us for a new, conversation and connection-based take on our Summer Worship service. Now in the Memorial Garden! Come as you are, and bring a blanket or chair if you have one!
Add an event to the calendar, reserve a room or Zoom account, and/or submit info for church communications.
Join us for a new, conversation and connection-based take on our Summer Worship service. Now in the Memorial Garden! Come as you are, and bring a blanket or chair if you have one!
Holy Communion on Sundays that HC is not celebrated in the main service.
In the Summer, we move our traditional 10:30 worship service to the beautiful (and air-conditioned) Tittle Chapel!
This group of women “of a certain age” meet on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month from 10:00 to 11:00 am. In summer and good weather, we gather behind the Garrett Seminary on the Northwestern U campus. In winter or inclement weather, we meet at Le Peep in Evanston for informal conversations on […]
As part of Interfaith Action of Evanston, First Church hosts a weekly soup kitchen each Thursday evening. A host team of First Church volunteers is needed each week, and 5-6 times a year we also need cooking teams. Interested in helping? Please contact Dave Koester (davekoester57@gmail.com) about current scheduling needs.
Join us for a new, conversation and connection-based take on our Summer Worship service. Now in the Memorial Garden! Come as you are, and bring a blanket or chair if you have one!
Holy Communion on Sundays that HC is not celebrated in the main service.
In the Summer, we move our traditional 10:30 worship service to the beautiful (and air-conditioned) Tittle Chapel!
Calling all Young Adults! We are gathering for potlucks on July 28 & August 25 at 5:30pm. Feel free to bring your favorite side item or dessert! Contact Sydney Harkrider at sydney@faithatfirst.com for the location!
Our second Summer Lunch Bunch gathering is Wednesday, July 31, with Pastor Britt Cox, Colin McDonald, and Mary Taylor-Johnson. BYO lunch and gather at Fountain Square from noon to 1:15pm to enjoy informal conversation together. (Rain location: Church dining room.) Sign up so we know to look for you and can let you know if we […]