10:30 Worship
Tittle ChapelAll are welcome to 10:30 worship this summer in the air-conditioned Tittle Chapel. Details each Sunday can be found at https://faithatfirst.org/gather/worship-services/worship-this-sunday/
Add an event to the calendar, reserve a room or Zoom account, and/or submit info for church communications.
All are welcome to 10:30 worship this summer in the air-conditioned Tittle Chapel. Details each Sunday can be found at https://faithatfirst.org/gather/worship-services/worship-this-sunday/
Interfaith Action volunteers distribute 11,000 pounds of fresh produce, donated by the Greater Chicago Food Depository, to Cook County residents in need. Numbered tickets are provided to guests, who each receive 15-25 pounds of fruits and vegetables. There is a walk-up line and distribution takes place outside, so bring a wheeled cart and/or strong bags […]
This group of women “of a certain age” meet on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month from 10:00 to 11:00 am. In summer and good weather, we gather behind the Garrett Seminary on the Northwestern U campus. In winter or inclement weather, we meet at Le Peep in Evanston for informal conversations on […]
As part of Interfaith Action of Evanston, First Church hosts a weekly soup kitchen each Thursday evening. A host team of First Church volunteers is needed each week, and 5-6 times a year we also need cooking teams. Interested in helping? Please contact Dave Koester (davekoester57@gmail.com) about current scheduling needs.
The Limitless Game Night & Conversation is a virtual gathering to talk and play online games such as Codenames, Scattergories, Pictionary, and several others. Limitless is a group of adults, singles and couples, that span multiple ages and life stages. New participants are always welcome. If interested, please contact Stephanie Peters at stephdeloney@gmail.com .
All are welcome to 10:30 worship this summer in the air-conditioned Tittle Chapel. Details each Sunday can be found at https://faithatfirst.org/gather/worship-services/worship-this-sunday/
July 17-20, 9:00-11:30am; for children entering grades kindergarten through 4th. "Faith in the Wild" is an environmentally-focused Vacation Bible School program inspiring children to explore their place and relationships in God's world. We will gather for four outdoor sessions at and around First Church, with field trips to Lunt Park, Clark Street Beach and Bird Sanctuary, special […]
First Church hosts soup kitchen every Thursday in the church dining room. The cooking responsibilities are shared in a rotation with other faith communities. On this date, First Church is responsible for providing the meal. If you are interested in helping to cook on this date or be involved with the soup kitchen in other […]
As part of Interfaith Action of Evanston, First Church hosts a weekly soup kitchen each Thursday evening. A host team of First Church volunteers is needed each week, and 5-6 times a year we also need cooking teams. Interested in helping? Please contact Dave Koester (davekoester57@gmail.com) about current scheduling needs.