Communications and Calendar Request

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Reception for Helen Ryde, RMN Organizer

Dining Room

On Sunday, Nov. 13, First Church will celebrate our decision to become a Reconciling Congregation.  The celebration will begin with a reception for Reconciling Ministries Network (RMN) Organizer Helen Ryde at 6:30 pm on Saturday evening at 6:30pm in the church dining room.  Helen, our preacher for Sunday worship, will also lead a class on […]

Class on 1&2 Kings

Glenna Hall

"In a follow up to the study of 1 and 2 Samuel, this class focuses on 1 and 2 Kings. These biblical books portray the tumultuous history of Israel and Judah and depict the successes and failures of kingship. We'll discover which kings were the best for these nations and which were the worst, and […]

10:30 Worship

Each Sunday we gather at 10:30 AM for worship in the sanctuary. The service is also livestreamed. The livestream link, Worship bulletin, scriptures for the day, etc., are posted each week at Worship This Sunday - First United Methodist Church of Evanston, IL ( On Sunday, Nov. 13, worship will center on the question: How […]

Youth Bake Sale

Join us to purchase delicious baked goods and help us raise money for our Youth Mid-Winter Retreat!

Lunch with the RMN Task Force and Helen Ryde

How is God calling you to be involved in the life of First Church Evanston?  If you would like to explore being a member of the RMN Task Force at First Church, please join us for lunch at Farmhouse after worship on the 13th.  We will meet with current Task Force members and our guest […]

Friends at First Outing to Shakespeare Musical

Friends at First, a fellowship group of active retired and semi-retired adults, gathers 5-6 times a year, often for cultural events and a shared meal. New participants are always welcome. The group will be going to a musical production of the Shakespeare classic As You Like It.  "A Musical Adaptation of William Shakespeare’s As You […]