Communications and Calendar Request

Add an event to the calendar, reserve a room or Zoom account, and/or submit info for church communications.


3rd Annual Pumpkin Carving and Bonfire

You are invited to the 3d annual Pumpkin carving and weenie roast/bonfire Saturday 10/29 starting at 4:30 in the backyard of the Peter’s home. Bring your own pumpkin. Pumpkin carving utensils will be supplied. Matt and Stephanie will supply hotdogs, buns, and fixings for s’mores, hot cider and water. Please bring a side to share. […]

Inquirers Class

Glenna Hall

Inquirers Class -- Fall 2022 Sundays, Oct. 2-Nov. 6, 9:15-10:15 am in Glenna Hall The Inquirers Class serves as an intro (or reminder) to Christian beliefs and practices; to the United Methodist denomination, its structure and beliefs; and to the First Church congregation and its ministries.  Upon completion of the class, persons who wish to […]

“Church of the Wild” Book Discussion

Dining Room

The Earth Care Committee invites you to join in a 5-week conversation on the book “Church of the Wild: How Nature Invites Us into the Sacred” by Victoria Loorz. A spiritual director and cofounder of the Wild Church Network, Loorz, is the founding pastor of The Church of the Wild in Ojai, California, and preached at our First Church […]

10:30 Worship

Each Sunday we gather at 10:30 AM for worship in the sanctuary. The service is also livestreamed on Youtube and Facebook.

Friends At First: Concert Outing

Friends at First, a fellowship group of active retired and semi-retired adults, gathers 5-6 times a year, often for cultural events and a shared meal. New participants are always welcome. The group will meet at Alice Millar Chapel on NU’s campus for a 3:00 pm performance of Renaissance music by composer William Byrd. Students and […]