Nominations and Leadership Development Committee
ZoomFirst Tuesday of each month, 7-8 pm via Zoom. Contacts are Pastor Grace, Chair ( and Lynelle Diener, Vice Chair (
Add an event to the calendar, reserve a room or Zoom account, and/or submit info for church communications.
First Tuesday of each month, 7-8 pm via Zoom. Contacts are Pastor Grace, Chair ( and Lynelle Diener, Vice Chair (
As of March, the United Methodist Women organization has become United Women in Faith. This change and others are described as a "refreshing" of the organization to better address the life stages and needs of current and future members, and to welcome those from other faith traditions as well as those in local churches that […]
This group of 12-15 persons gathers weekly on Zoom to study and discuss topics chosen by group members -- sometimes scripture or Bible study curriculum, other times books by contemporary or older religious writers. Beginning June 1, the Wednesday Morning Bible Study will discuss Marcus Borg's book, Reading the Bible Again for The First Time, […]
This group meets weekly for lively conversation about books of new or continuing interest. All are welcome to join at any time and to participate as individual schedules permit. Want to learn more about the readings or the group? Please contact Dennis Damon Moore at (847) 859-6557 or .
Pick-up at Hinman Avenue door.
This weekly Bible study invites participants to discuss the scripture texts for the coming Sunday and to ponder what those stories may teach us today. New participants are always welcome. Feel free to contact facilitators Bill Brown ( and/or Lee Rader ( for additional info.
All are welcome to join in the fun for Zoom Game Nights with the Limitless Group everyThursday from 8:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. The group starts the night by checking in with each other.They then play games such as Trivial Pursuit and Pictionary, led by Matt and Stephanie Peters.All ages and stages are welcome to the Limitless […]