Over delicious food from Cocina Azteca (an Evanston Farmer’s Market favorite!), we’ll meet new friends and reconnect with others. Come over after Worship in the Park. Come early before 10:30 Worship in Tittle Chapel or stay after the service. Meat, meatless, and vegan options all available. Please pay for your meal(s) in advance and consider a donation toward others’ meals. Advance meal purchases (by Thursday, July 7) are critical to help us stay within our budget!
Our congregation has so much to celebrate: the appointment of Rev. Britt Cox as our Executive Pastor, new members, our 24th ASP Mission Trip, the return of Creation Camp, progress toward our strategic plan, generous support of Evanston reparations, Bundled Blessings, Virtual Worship, thoughtful lay leadership, and generous giving during the pandemic.
Hope you can join in the celebration! Purchase meals now.