Guest Contributor:  the Earth Care Committee

Judith Campbell (chair), Phyllis Bird, Kathryn Calkins, Alex Chadwick, Eileen Chambers, Scott Fosdick, Marianne Griebler, Jason Lewis, Paula Scholl, Roxann Specht

Does it really matter if we use plastic forks for the cake?  Well, as a matter of fact, it does.  Plastic cutlery is not recyclable, and therefore it goes into the garbage, which then sits in the earth, may break into pieces, and eventually enter our waterways before becoming part of our world’s ecosystem!

As we have started to understand, there is a major plastic crisis in our world today.  Every time we choose to use plastic, we are adding to the problem.  

What does this mean for life in our First Church community?  The Earth Care Committee is proposing a reduction of plastic usage by 80% this year.  During our times of fellowship and hospitality, we want to avoid using plastic cups, plastic forks or spoons, as well as  styrofoam cups.  Instead, we can use the flatware that we have in the kitchen, the mugs, the glasses, the plates . . .  which then need to be washed!  Directions for our industrial dishwasher are provided.

When we host an event we can also be creative to limit plastic use. One option is to focus on “finger food”.  Napkins that have food on them are compostable, so this can help to reduce our waste.  Compost buckets are now available in the kitchen for Sunday morning Community Hour.

As children of God we are called to care for Creation.  In our church Strategic Plan we say that “we will protect and repair our earth”.  This year, the Earth Care committee proposes a goal to reduce our plastic usage at First Church by 80%. 

We invite everyone to be a part of making this happen, as we spend time together in community.