Communications and Calendar Request

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Inquirers Class

Glenna Hall

Inquirers Class -- Fall 2022 Sundays, Oct. 2-Nov. 6, 9:15-10:15 am in Glenna Hall The Inquirers Class serves as an intro (or reminder) to Christian beliefs and practices; to the […]

“Church of the Wild” Book Discussion

Dining Room

The Earth Care Committee invites you to join in a 5-week conversation on the book “Church of the Wild: How Nature Invites Us into the Sacred” by Victoria Loorz. A spiritual […]

Sunday School

Takes place before Worship from 9:15-10:15 a.m. through May during the program year, with an emphasis on learning and responding to stories in the Bible through reading, conversation, and play! […]

10:30 Worship

Each Sunday we gather at 10:30 AM for worship in the sanctuary. The service is also livestreamed on Youtube and Facebook.

Children’s Chapel

Helps children ages 3 through 3rd grade to experience the wonder of worship within a lively, child friendly setting. Chapel will focus on a variety of expressions of worship using many forms of music, art, and hands on activities. Chapel will occur during our 10:30 am worship service following our Time with Young Disciples and […]